I know nothing about orchids but I want to grow can you help me?
Hello, I just realized how amazing orchids are and I really want to start growing them. I was thinking of doing a terrarium. I have a extra 29 gallon aquarium laying around would this be ok?. I have also kept nearly every commen species of gecko and other lizards so I know how to maintain humidity and temperature in enclosed enviroments. I would like to keep smaller hardy orchids so I can have a larger variety in the terrarium. Is this sounding like an ok idea? Can you suggest a few orchids that will survive in lower light conditions? Also for this size aquarium how much light would be needed? I have an extra 2x24 watt compact flourescent laying around as well as two everyday fish tank lights, if I retrofitted them into a hood would this be enough or to much? In terms of the set up of the tank what should I use for substrate? I would like to be able to plant the orchids so I do not want to have pots laying around in there. I love natural looking enviroments and cannot stand anything but. Sorry for all the questions I have been searching the internet for these questions but I have not been able to find to many answers for my questions