I am having some troubles with my Sweet Sugar, and would love some advice.
I purchased a lovely, flowering -smaller Sweet Sugar about a year and a half ago.
(I Also, purchased a Sherry Baby from the same seller-it is doing very well.)
Shortly after, my very naughty parrotlet picked up on all my Sugar baby fawning and jealously attacked it. The damage was pretty severe, also I believe my purchase came with a healthy start of root rot.
I was, and am new to growing oncidiums-I did not use any anti-fungal to the damage- so here we are now at the last of whats left of my baby.
After a year and half of struggling, the last pseudobulb has finally given up, shriveled and died.
However, the tough little survivor has held on. It now has two healthy "tiny" new growths with healthy roots from the last pseudobulb!
I have been going a lot of research on the subject but can't find anything for care of an oncidium without its pseudobulb.
I have cut off the old dried bulb they were attached to. Watching it very closely for moisture, doing a very diluted fertilizer spray every morning... I need to get to a store for some supplies-maybe rooting hormone. Should I do moss around them, is the pot too big now???
Any advice would be very appreciated