I am from PA and have recently discovered a fascination with orchids. Obsession... really. IN the past year I have collected 19 orchids:Phalaenopsis, Cattleyas, , Bolopetalum Midnight Blue 'Cardinal's Roost a Miltoniopsis (pretty sure) and 3 Dendrobiums. Just bought one today. All of my other plants show signs of root growth, except for my Dendrobiums,
all of my orchids have humidity trays, a fan that runs on them 24/7, they get misted every morning, lightly fertilized once a month.
They all sit in a South facing window, bright yet indirect light.2 of my Phals are budding one of them had 2 of the buds fall off, it might have been because of a draft, but the other one is still holding on. The other Phals buds still look good... So i am hopeful, Then i suppose i will know if they are getting enough light.
Now to the Dendrobiums, their psuedobulbs are not withered away, but their roots are not doing are not doing so hot. I have yet to see new growth of the roots. One of them lost all but one leaf, but when. i moved and it lost it. It is in the worst shape of the 3. Dend. #2 has had top growth new leaves, Den. # 3 is the same.
They have all been repotted and when i repotted them i cut the dead roots away , but they are still dying.

Do i repot them again? OR is that to much stress. They are all in a bark/spagnum moss mix. All the equipment was sterilized
I have let them dry out a little bit more between waterings than the others. But how long is long enough? I don't know what to do, and i am fully convinced that they can be saved.
Or do i do that bag and moss thing? but i'm afraid to because i don't know how wet it should be.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.