Just a note. A Den Phal type is not a Dendrobium crossed with a Phal, I don't believe such a cross is possible.
Confusingly there is a species of Dendrobium which used to be called Dendrobium phalaenopsis (note the lower case p which is always used for species names, hybrid names start with an upper case). This has since been re-named Dendrobium bigibbum (which was the name originally used in Australia and that part of the world, but has now become the accepted name here).
Large genuses are often split into sub-genus, tribe and even sub-tribe and one of those levels (not sure which) is still called Dendrobium phalaenthe. This is a sub-group of Dendrobium which is all similar to the Dendrobium phalaenopsis/bigibbum species.
It's confusing I know (taken me a long while to get my head arround it) but basically what we refer to as a 'Den Phal' type is a hybrid whose parent spieces are mostly (or entirely) in the phalaenthe section of the Dendrobium genus.
They have
no relation to the genus Phalaenopsis, but as we've said above care is similar.
Hope I've clarified this, rather than making it even more confusing