When you are looking for a specific color especially with Phals be sure to buy them when in bloom so you see what you get.
Seed crossing are common in Phals and the colors can vary greatly. Even clones are not 100% accurate but nearly.
Taida Salu, which was mentioned, is an example where when it is used as a parent can throw many harlequin and pheloric flowers in its off spring.
Here is an awarded clone that is the best red I have seen. The photo fails to fully capture the lipstick red that is common.
Vanda are the closest to blue in orchids and you should easily find them for less than $65.
Here is my favorite as it blooms 3-4 times a year in Florida on young plants with 4-5 inch flowers.
Most blue Vanda show this checkered pattern. There are many light blue Vanda in the Vascostylis sub-family, which are small 1- 1 1/2 inch flowers.