i played sax trumpet and clarinet the year before that. i just wanted to learn everything so i did. anyways back to orchids, what kind of set up do you have? have any of your orchids rebloomed yet?
Never played trumpet but played bari sax for jazz band for a year. And none have rebloomed i mainly get them in bloom then they get root rot and then I save them (never ever ever have I killed an orchid!!! Lol). But, I have them in a south facing window with a giant maple tree in the backyard that dapples the light lol. If I can figure out what's wrong and why my pics won't upload here i will posst a pic of the set-up.
NOID's are good, their blooms seem to outlast the ones with all the fancy names and if you make a mistake and it dies, you aren't out much. Maybe that's why they do so well, because we don't worry and fuss with them, like we do with our expensive ones. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well after i load my pictures onto my computer they usually get saved as png. format. after that i open them up and then click save as and change the format at the bottom. but idk. i have windows 7 and alot of things are different