Thanks for your advice but I have another question, please....I hope you don't mind. By cold temepatures, I gather that you mean constantly cold - day and night....or night only? In my greenhouse, winter temps range from approx. 55-60 at night and day temps approx. 70-75. The Den would receive a good amount of sun there, but to be able to give it constant cold temps., I would need to move it to our garage. That would be fine with me, but it would pose another problem. Light. The garage has only one window, which faces south. The amount of light that the plant would receive there would be MUCH less than in my gh. So, which of the two areas do you think would be best for it?
Thank you again,
Originally Posted by Orchid126
We are by nature nurturers. It is nearly impossible for us not to want to administer food and water to a living thing. But this plant, in the wild, endures monsoons. From November til March, no water at all, strong sun, and cold temperatures. If you don't give it what it needs and is used to, it will flounder. Be strong. You will be rewarded with lots of blooms down the line.