First post here, I think. Probably a stupid question... Have all Cirrhopetalums been transferred to the genus Bulbophyllum? I suspect that this may be so, and now my Cirr. Elizabeth Ann "Jean" becomes Bulb. Elizabeth Ann?
Hahaha, I don't think anybody will be yelling :P As far as I know, the two are still separate. Sometimes hybrids and species get tossed back and forth between Cirro and Bulbo. I'm not terribly familiar with that hybrid, so I can't say for sure.
Hi Steve. That's not a stupid question at all. At the rate taxonomists are changing names who the heck can keep up? At any rate I looked your plant up in OrchidWiz and the genus has changed to Bulb. Elizabeth Ann. It sure is pretty! More and more bulbos seem to be finding their way into my collection. I really like their strangely beautiful flowers.
Thanks Tim, quiltergal for your prompt replies. So, if I understand correctly, Cirrhopetalum is still a valid genus and only some of them have been moved to bulbophyllum?