The other day, there were some people here at my apt, spraying for bees. Well, the woman saw my orchids, and we got talking. Turn out she "has one of these" and "has one of those". She saw my Chia Lin, and said she had one of those as well (not so sure she knew what she was talking about though). Well I've had some issues with my Chia (it is suicidal), and have had to cut off some of my leaves, but left the pseudo bulbs. She apparently felt that these needed to be removed. She went at it, and attempted to break off one of them! I was trying to stop her, telling her that, no they should stay where they are. Again she was about to break off one, telling me "no, this one is really old, it needs to come off". I tried to tell her that, "no, that is one of my newest growths, I just had to cut the leaf off of it. She kept insisting "no it's old. See it is black, it needs to come off". What she was referring to was actually the dried "outer leaf" that had not come off of the bulb off yet (I had just left it on). OMG!!! I finally managed to get this woman to leave my baby alone, but she didn't seem very happy with me.
Seriously, would you just try "pruning" someone stranger's plants?! She admittedly did not know much about orchids. Really?! Even if she did, she should not have tried to snap pieces off, maybe make a suggestion, but to try to start snapping off all of my pseudo-bulbs? I was not happy
Thought I would share.....