So, a while back I fell in love with an adorable little mini Phal at the local Safeway and picked it up after lusting after it for a month or so.
Everything was great, it dropped a few blooms when I brought it home and repotted it, but it was beautiful for a couple of months. Then I went away for the weekend and when I came back, things went south fast.
The blooms all wilted and dropped, and one of the spikes was rapidly yellowing. I suspect a virus got to my little one.
I spent three days repotting and cutting off dead roots, removed the one yellow spike and took off the top of the second spike which had begun yellowing, packed the wounds in cinnamon, and put the poor little thing and its three viable roots in a little pot in the bathroom.
A few months later, it began putting out a new leaf! Then, I saw one little bud forming at the end of the spike!! Now, this past week, look what the little dear did!! I'm so happy to have saved this one, and I can't wait till next year when I hope to have a couple of spikes bursting with blooms.