I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!
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Old 09-03-2010, 01:47 PM
jingie jingie is offline
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Female
Default I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!

Hi everybody,

I am Jingie and I am new to orchid growing.

I just bought 2 small orchid from Trader Joes, They are both in their 3 inch pot.

Now that they are both out of the plastic wrap, what should I do next? Someone from the store told me since they are still blooming; I should leave them alone until they are done flowering then transfer to the new pots. (He said spring time would be ideal) I also called the nursery that sold them these orchids, they told me don’t transfer until 2 years later.

Can someone help me please? I would like to know when to transfer to new pot and what size pot should I use when I finally transfer? I also would like to know what would be the best fertilizer for these babies.

One of the orchid is called “Tsiku Marguerite” and the other one is a phalaenopsis “medium with red lip”

Thanks for all your help in advance.

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Old 09-03-2010, 03:04 PM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Male

I am somewhat of a newbie myself, but I've read and heard that when they are blooming you should leave them alone. The flowers are easy to break off no matter how careful you try to be (from personal experience because I didn't follow that advice, lol...).

However, I would also be confused because I have also read that growers tend to shove the orchids in mediocre potting medium at best, and that you should immediatly repot them in the appropriate medium. So, I guess if they are in the appropriate medium, I'd leave them. If not, I don't know.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
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Old 09-03-2010, 03:28 PM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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My feeling is that since we grow orchids for the flowers it doesn't make sense to mess with them when they are in fact blooming. I'm not sure what the first orchid is but the phal should get some good light but no direct mid-day sun. Water it thouroughly in the sink and then let it get almost dry before watering again. Phals don't like to be completely dry. Give it very light doses of a fertilizer made for orchids once or twice a month. When the flowers are all gone come back to the board and ask about repotting. Good luck!
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Old 09-03-2010, 03:44 PM
CTB CTB is offline
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I'll have to agree with Tuck, enjoy the flowers while you can, it may be a year before you see blooms again.

When you repot you are just kind of changing out the media, and staying with the same pot size or alittle bigger. Re-pot me has some good videos, on How to. Enjoy for now!

Last edited by CTB; 09-03-2010 at 03:49 PM..
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Old 09-03-2010, 08:04 PM
Swamper Swamper is offline
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...and then you go buy more of course
Oh and welcome to the OB
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Old 09-03-2010, 09:18 PM
jingie jingie is offline
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Female

Thank you for the help guys! I will enjoy them for now. I am sure I will get more in the future. I almost bought 5 today but I finally came to my sense and took home 2, they are very hard to resist!
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:06 PM
boyong boyong is offline
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Male

orchids indeed are very addicting, once you indulge yourself into this hobby you can never resist.
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:31 PM
jenmonkey jenmonkey is offline

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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Female

Hey, I just bought an Oncidium today from TJ's too! I am going to repot it immediately of course, because, although it is flowering, the whole of the potting media is completely covered in white fuzzy mold. I'd rather lose some blooms than lose a plant. It smells divine, btw! The plant, not the mold.
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Old 09-04-2010, 06:50 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Welcome to Orchid Board.

Are they in clear pots, and is the medium Bark or Moss or something else?

I'm assuming it is Phals you have, though I realise you've not said. If you are not sure post a pic here and we'll be able to tell.

If they are in clear pots then you should water them when the roots at the bottom turn silvery/pale... when the roots are a strong green colour they have enough water and you should not water again. When you do water use plenty of water, then ensure they drain. Phals don't like to be left standing with any water in the base or the roots will rot.

If you don't have clear pots you can use a wooden skewer pushed into the medium to check if it is still moist down in the bottom, if it is don't water again until it's dry.

As for re-potting... unless you have a reason to worry about the roots leave them while they are in flower. Usually if potted in bark you would repot every two years and unlike other plants where the reason is to give them a bigger pot, with orchids the primary reason is to change the medium for fresh stuff. If they are potted in moss you would usally repot every year. You should coose a pot size which can just fit the roots, sometimes that is smaller than the last pot (if you've had any problems with the roots), it may go back in the same pot, or it may go to a bit bigger pot.

Many people like to re-pot soon after getting a plant because you don't know how long it's been in the medium it's in. I like to repot within 6 months of purchase, some people like to repot imediately. As I said above if you have any problems it can be best to check the roots and repot if necessary even if they are in flower. Better to save the plant than wait... but that's only if you have any problems.

Good luck... and be sure to ask if you are concerned about anything, everyone here is really helpful
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Old 09-04-2010, 08:43 AM
jingie jingie is offline
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I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help! Female
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Well Rosie/everyone,

I have to admit that I have no idea what kind of medium they are in, this is first time I have orchids in my house and I am pretty lost at this point. I have a phal (medium with pink lips) and an oncidium (Tsiku Marguerite.) The nursery guy who supplies these orchids told me that the phal is more of a moss medium and the Oncidium I have is more of a bark medium.

I uploaded some pictures so you can see the roots and the flowers.

Me and my husband are going to visit the New York City flower district this morning and I need all the strength I can get not to buy more of these perfect flowers (for now!)

JingieI brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!-oncidium-jpg

I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!-oncidiumroot-jpg

I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!-phalmedium-jpg

I brought my orchids home, now what? Please help!-phalroots-jpg

Last edited by jingie; 09-04-2010 at 08:51 AM.. Reason: images didn't show in post
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jingie, orchid, pot, told, transfer, home, brought, orchids

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