Fertilizing While In Bloom???
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Old 08-09-2010, 02:56 PM
Wynter010Beauty Wynter010Beauty is offline

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Question Fertilizing While In Bloom???

Hey everyone, back again with yet another newbie question. I recently purchased an Onc. Sharry Baby "Sweet Fragrance" in spike about a month ago. I switched it to S/H immediately (otherwise I'd be afraid I'd kill it quickly!) Well, the time has come that it should be blooming in a few days... I just watered my 'chids and while doing so, a question arose in my head. This will be my first orchid that will be in bloom that I have been fertilizing. All of my previous orchids, I realized that I needed to fertilize them after the flowers eventually fell off. I currently fertilize with Dyna-Gro KLN and Dyna-Gro Grow. I put about 3 to 4 drops of each in 1 gallon of water and water when needed (thanks to S/H) which is typically once to twice weekly. I do an occasional flushing with water only as well. When it actually produces flowers, should I cut back on the fertilizer, add more, stop completely or continue what I'm doing? Thanks!
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Old 08-09-2010, 03:09 PM
Orchid126 Orchid126 is offline
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Fertilizing While In Bloom???

Don't use KLN when the plant is in bud or bloom. These instructions are right on the label. KLN tells the plant to grow roots, not blooms.

Since you are using such a weak solution, the Dyna-Gro Grow is okay, but Dyna-Gro Bloom would be better.
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Old 08-09-2010, 03:19 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I fertilise the same all through. Don't stop fertiliser, the plant needs more energy when flowering so it's not a good time to 'starve' it of food (fertiliser).

KLN is not a fertiliser, it's a root booster. Some people have found that it can cause abnormalities in blooms if used in high concentrations and I don't use it when in bloom.

Many people here believe there is no advantage to a bloom fertiliser. I bought some in the past and I've seen no advantage to it. Now it's all finished up I'm using grow formula for all my orchids whether in bloom or not.
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Old 08-09-2010, 03:21 PM
Wynter010Beauty Wynter010Beauty is offline

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Okay, thank you, I had used the KLN because I had switched to S/H which they say that you should use to get the roots acquainted with the new growing medium. I will stop the KLN, thank you!
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Old 08-09-2010, 03:24 PM
Wynter010Beauty Wynter010Beauty is offline

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Actually, I just read the bottle of KLN because I felt like an idiot for not noticing that on the bottle.... but no where on there does it say not to use while in bloom. So I'm glad that I asked because otherwise, I would have never known.
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Old 08-09-2010, 04:42 PM
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Fertilizing While In Bloom??? Male

You are feeding your plant almost nothing.

I recommend 100-150 ppm N fertilizer. Dyna-Gro "Grow" formula at 1.5 teaspoons per gallon is about 130 ppm N. At 3 drops per gallon, you're only feeding at about 5 ppm N.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Wynter010Beauty Wynter010Beauty is offline

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Oh, I was just going by what I've read on here. A lot of people were saying to only use a few drops per gallon. I forget which thread it was on.. but it was on multiple ones. Well, so much for that! I figured it was too little of an amount compared to what they have written on the bottles... Well, I thought it was the KLN and the GROW that was making my orchids grow new roots and leaves.. seems it's simply just from switching to the S/H.. Thank you for the input!!! Looks like I'll be switching things up.
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:32 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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mm - the kln use a few drops per gallon. I haven't used dyna-gro fertilizer, but since it is liquid (already diluted somewhat) I would think more than a few drops per gallon can be used.

I also fertilize the same all the time. Congrats on your blooms!
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Wynter010Beauty Wynter010Beauty is offline

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: I just read back to some of the threads around the time that I was doing some research before taking the plunge (into some awesome clay balls that is!) And what I was reading about was that the KLN was a few drops per gallon. At the time, I didn't understand the difference between a root booster and a fertilizer... and assumed they were both the same. Obviously, not so much. Oh well, can't complain on the improvements in my plants either way!
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
I fertilise the same all through. Don't stop fertiliser, the plant needs more energy when flowering so it's not a good time to 'starve' it of food (fertiliser).
Actually, I don't think blooming is when a plant's energy needs are highest. They need far more energy to grow the spikes+buds and in their growth season (leaves and roots) than they do to maintain their flowers once they're open. All the same, it's not a good idea to starve the poor plant!

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