Hi Rosie
Yes, it's such a shame. It was a new orchid and already looks like it's lost an arm and an eye in somekind of war.
As it still has some good (at least for now) leafs I was thinking , before the last flower dies, to cut the spike down a bit to let it flower again. It might not work in which case I'll have to cut it all off later.
On the other hand, the other phal I have, the one that's been siting in the bathroom it's growing it's new leaf reather than roots.

The leaf is about one inch taller now than in this picture. But the other winckled leafs really get in my way when I try to water it. If I try to lift them the plant comes out as it is not held properly by the only one root. They get in my way when I try to place the pot into a glass of water too. And when I manage that, the water lifts the bark and the plant thereoff. I had to take it out of the pot now to rearange it as it was not sitting properly anymore.
Are those leafs really doing anything to the plant since they look like they are almost dead? Can I cut them off?

Would it not be better for the plant to direct all it's energy towards the new leaf and roots reather than keeping those leafs alive too?