Originally Posted by jenmonkey
I'm thinking of trying the CFL's I have, and if I notice no favorable difference, then buying the grow lights. Also, the Kelvin rating of lights is just a measure of the temperature (aka warmth or coolness) of a light, not the light output, which can be measured in foot candles. My Phals are pretty set where they are with low light, so I think they're fine.
I wish I had a hood setup and the space to make a real terrarium, but I don't, and I think my husband would divorce me if I tried. Maybe I'll sneak it in while he's deployed in Iraq next year.
Glad to see another military wife here, and you're not alone, I have lots of plans for while mines away here in a couple months.
Welcome to the OB, I was thinking of a terrarium as well, and I wanted some poison dart frogs, but the answer was no...
So now for the wait!
btw, I love the way you think.