Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions
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Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions
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Old 08-04-2010, 12:40 PM
glitchathon glitchathon is offline

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Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions
Default Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions

I finally got my order of NZ Sphagnum Moss and repotted my Costco Orchid. I am glad I did it as it was so tightly packed with wet moss and the roots were starting to rot.

I did a mix of half Moss and half Phal mix (Better Gro brand from Lowes) to help it drain better.

Just wanted to ask a few questions on repotting:
- Is it best to keep the media loose? I put in the bark and moss to just fill in the gaps of the roots as best I could. I did not use any pressure packing anything in. Looking through the clear plastic, the media fills up the pot nicely but with plenty of air for breathing. Is this generally the best way to go? Was Costco's method bad, in which the moss pretty much is packed tightly with the roots?

- How resilient are Orchid roots? In order to seperate the roots and cut off the rotted ones, I felt like I was stressing out the root system. Some of the good roots split/broke but I just put a little cinnamon in the "wound" and left them intact.

- Next time I water them, should I use Dyna Gro KLN?

- I have a lot of leftover Sphagnum Moss. What is the best way to store it? I have it in a regular tupperware container right now.

Thanks very much!
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Old 08-04-2010, 02:55 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Air pockets in the pot are fine - Phals like air at their roots, and the media will settle with time - you can shake, tap, etc to help it settle a bit.
The packed moss potting, like many Phals are sold, is bad as far as it's extremely easy to be over-watered, and roots to rot very quickly because the moss itself holds so much moisture anyway, and with it packed just stays very wet, and doesn't allow air to the roots.

Most orchid roots are pretty resilient - remember, in nature they are - in Phals' case - latched on to tree limbs. Be careful with dry cinnamon around the roots, it can dry them out. A bit in the "wounds" should be fine, and may actually help "close" the wound tho - so it should be good

Once you are sure the left-over sphag is completely dry you can store it in a plastic bag. I have mine in an old grocery store bag - didn't want to have it something completely air tight in case of moisture.
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Old 08-04-2010, 03:21 PM
Orchid126 Orchid126 is offline
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Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions

I like to take a chop stick and poke the medium down around the roots. It's amazing how much medium will go down, and how much more you need to fill in the remaining gaps. Most orchid roots like to be snug.
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:15 PM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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There is an excellent article in AOS Orchid magazine about two months ago on New Zealand Sphag with Phals.
The recommendation was with pot sizes less than 4 inches I believe (but I am going on memory and honestly, it could be 5 or 6 inches)
The New Zealand moss is suppose to dry from the bottom up; thus, when the top is dry or almost dry, you can reliably know it's time to water.
Larger pot sizes do not work as the media gets too packed centrally.
Of course, not sure how relevant this is since your media is a mixture of bark and NZsphag.
What you have essentially done, is increased the water retentive properties of your media by combining them as well as benefiting from the anti-bacterial properties of sphag moss.
I do not know if the moss will follow the same bottom up method of drying out especially when we know bark dries from the top down.
Consequently, the skewer method is a good way to go in judging when to water.

Your question about the packed sphag from the store is excellent. These plants are shipped across the Pacific and I'm sure go a great deal of time without water...possibly/hopefully in high humidity transport. Thus, packed sphag gets them to you looking pretty.
But ultimately, the packed sphag will suffocate the central root ball either from over watering after sold; or as the plant grows more roots.
Your media should be loose/snug as previously suggested.
It sounds like your plant is going to LOVE it's new home
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:32 PM
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Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions Female

I have never mixed sphag and bark mix, from what I understand sphag breaks down after a few months and a good quality bark mix lasts much longer. So my question would be how often should one repot with a combination of sphag and bark?
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Old 08-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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Originally Posted by Judi View Post
I have never mixed sphag and bark mix, from what I understand sphag breaks down after a few months and a good quality bark mix lasts much longer. So my question would be how often should one repot with a combination of sphag and bark?
According to my reading, the PREMIUM NEW ZEALAND AAA sphag moss can last about one year.
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:08 AM
glitchathon glitchathon is offline

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Did some repotting with Phal mix and Moss - some questions

Thanks guys! Did the chopstick method and got more media down in the pockets. I think it is good to go now.

Good info on the packed Sphag being good for transport but not in our homes. I am starting to realize the wisdom in repotting immediately.
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media, mix, moss, packed, roots, questions, phal, repotting

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