I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them
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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them
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Old 08-03-2010, 06:25 PM
LuizaG LuizaG is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Female
Question I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them


I have Orchid Focus - Grow (2.2 1.2 2.1)
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
that I intend to use on my recovering phal poted in bark in a tiny 7 cm pot, has only one growing root, one that has a part been cut off, and a small new one.
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid

I usually use 500 ml lukewarm water that I run through 2 or 3 times through the bark. I water every 3 to 4 days as it dries fast.

1. If I were to use fertlizer in that water, how much fertiliser should I use (I have seringes that can measure as low as 0.10 mililiter)?
2. Should I run first some clean water (no fertilizer) and then run water with fertilizer?
3. How many times should I run the fertilized water through the medium?
4. Should I use fertilizer everytime I water?

That is all about this orchid.

Also I know people have said there is no point in using a bloom fertlizer but since I have it I don't want to pour it down the drain.
I have Orchid Focus - Bloom (1.8 2.4 2.6) that I intend to use on my other orchid.
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
Picasa Web Albums - ChristiLuiza - Orchid
If somebody knows what that labes sais, please let me know as the orchid did not have a label.

It is poted in bark (mostly, I think) in a 12 cm pot and since I got it almost 3 weeks now I did not water it. When I got the wooden skewer out of the medium 3 days ago to replace it with the nice pink one the wooden one felt damp and cold. I guess it takes long to dry since it looks tight packed in a big pot.

When it is due for watering, I have mostly the same questions as before:
1 Do I run water before I run the water with fertiliser?
2. If I water nearly once a month, do I use fertilizer every time?
3. How much of the bloom fertilizer shoul I use for 500 ml water and how many times can I run that water through the medium?
4. Do I switch to the Grow fertilizer Imediately after there are no more flowers?
5. Is is wise to try to get it to flower again or should I wait for those existing flowers to dye and the cut the spike and repot so I can take a look at the roots and give the plant a new start in my home? It was bought from a supermaket (tesco) and I do not trust them very much...

I also have Orchid mist
Growth Technology
that I use to spray once a week both orchids, only on the leaf and aerial roots as they say on the label but I do not use 8 to 10 sprays per plant, maybe 3 max the small one and 6 - 7 for the big one. They say it is a "nutrient solution, pest repellent, growth enhancer, plant tonic and leaf conditioner"... not sore how much of that is true.

If you have any other suggestions besides the things that i thought to ask fell free to jump in. I need all the advice I can get.

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Old 08-03-2010, 08:29 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Male

Fertilizer PPM Calculator

this should help

most people will do weakly-weekly fertilizer. which means fertilizing weakly once a week. use the calculator to figure out how much fertilizer

its a good idea to flush the pot with clean water before fertilizing, but when you have lots of plants, it can be hard. i dont always flush my plants, but i do from time to time.
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Old 08-03-2010, 09:41 PM
britbloke britbloke is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Male

The latest ideas are to NOT water before you fertilize.
Most people fertilize with a weak solution once/week, but we all fertilize differently depending on temperatures and climate.
I'd hate for you to ruin plant's for want of saving some fertilizer, but I rotate a number of different types of fertilizer, so I guess you might decide to use the "bloom-booster", every (say) 4th fertilization. Just a suggestion.
How to deal with the current "spike" would depend on what type of orchid you have.
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Old 08-04-2010, 07:07 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I use the Grow formula from orchid focus.

I just add it to the watering water every time I water. BUT every 5-6 waterings I flush through several times with plain water. This is to remove any build up of the fertiliser salts which (if they build up to high levels) can start damaging the roots.

I would run it through a few times just as you do with the water. Personally I actually stand them up to the top of the pot in water to soak for 5 min then let them drain.

I, like you, am using up some bloom formuler (a different make though) and I'm just using it on any of the plants whether in flower or not as a substitute for the other formula. Quite litereally I have one bottle downstairs and one upstairs and the plants get whichever one is closest when I'm filling the watering can. Not a scientific way but none of them seem to have minded
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:06 PM
LuizaG LuizaG is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Female


Help, I have seen that fertiliser PPM calculator before and I have no idea how to use it. I introduce some values from the botle and it gives me other values and I do not know what they mean, how to use them or what I am aiming for.

Britbloke / Tony, I have 2 phalaenopsis, the links I gave in the post are for several pictures of the plants even if the links look the same in the post.
I do not know what can go into the category of a "week solution". The botles, with the values described in the original post, state that you should dilute 5 ml (1 teaspoon) to 2 liters of water but I do not know if that is a weak solution, if I can use this concetration once a week or everytime I water...

RosieC, since you use the same fertilizer as I have, how much fertliser to how much water do you use everytime you water? Do you folow the intructions on the botle (5 ml to 2 liters water) or do you use less fertlizer than 5 ml?

Many thanks
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:10 PM
frostedeyes frostedeyes is offline
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follow what said but usually a teaspooon in a gallon should work... you give your phal the best condition possible (right humidity, light,and temp) and it will live beautifully! and of course lots of patience... and hands off to phals! HAHAHA! rooting hormone might help as well.
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Old 08-05-2010, 01:19 PM
LuizaG LuizaG is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Female


Help, I have seen that calculator before and I have no idea how to use it. I need to put in the values that the botle offers and the calculator gives other values that I do not know what they mean, how to use them and what to aim for. Could you explain, please? Thanks.

Britbloke / Tony, I have 2 phalaenopsis, the links I gave in the post show several different photos of what I was talking about even if the links look the same.
I do not know what can be categorized as a weak solution. The botles, with the values detailed in my post, state you should use 5 ml (1 teaspoon) to 2 liters of water. Is that a weak solution that can be used weekly or everytime I water or should it be weaker that that? If it needs to be weaker, how much fertilizer should I use instead of the 5 ml they suggest?

RosieC, since you use the same fertilizer as I have, do you go by the instructions on the botle (5 ml to 2 liters) or less that that? If less, what is the concentration you use?

Many thanks
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:27 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Originally Posted by LuizaG View Post
RosieC, since you use the same fertilizer as I have, how much fertliser to how much water do you use everytime you water? Do you folow the intructions on the botle (5 ml to 2 liters water) or do you use less fertlizer than 5 ml?
I'm using 3ml in general. Now the scientific people will cringe at my reason... 3ml is what my measuring pipet holds, so I just go with one pipet full

I've been intending to use the calculator and work it out but not got arround to it. I think I understood the calculator when I looked. I'm not home now otherwise I would go get the bottle and do it now.

I use weaker solution of certain plants though. My Masda's get about 1ml to 2 liters and not as often. So do the Restrepia's although I'm not sure if they should have it weaker like Masda's or not, I just tend to treat them similarly.
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:44 PM
britbloke britbloke is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Male

I would fertilize just as Rosie describes, about 1/2 the recommended rate. Most people fertilize weekly, the saying is "weakly (1/2 strength), weekly".
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Old 08-05-2010, 05:03 PM
LuizaG LuizaG is offline

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I need help with fertilizers - Don't know how to use them Female

Hi Rosie

Great! I was thinking I should use 1/4 of the recommended concentration (5 ml to 2 liters) on the label. That would be 1.25 ml per 2 liters resulting in aprox 0.3 ml per 500 ml which is the measure I use for watering. Hope that would be weak enough.

Do you think it would be safe to use this concentration for every watering and maybe every 2 or 3 waterings to use normal water?

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