Originally Posted by quiltergal
Hi Newb! Welcome to Orchid Board. #1 looks OK. It should be actively growing right now. You may need to boost the light intensity, and make sure you're feeding regularly. #2 looks like it may be a gonner. Pull it out of the pot and see if there are any viable roots left. If not toss it. #3 looks sad but saveable. Cut the spike as close to the bottom as possible. Repot now. Cut off any dead or rotted roots. Water and feed regularly. This one will also probably need more light.
K, so I should be cutting the stems really low, like near the bark mix stuff?
Originally Posted by mattryan
Hello being a newbie myself the pink 1 cut the spike off. There just isn't enough leave or probably roots to support it and pot it and check roots the second 1 sorry unless you can unpot n post pics of it's roots i think it's doomed sry hun. There's just nothing there safg n bag. gl
Cheers for the help
Originally Posted by Swamper
"the girlfriend wasn't feelin' the fake plants I had" LMAO that's funny. Welcome to the OB. Well you learned not to water them so much. Maybe just in time or she may not be feelin the live ones either huh? Good luck and again welcome
haha thanks. I originally got some fake ones for the centerpiece of the dinningroom, because I'd managed to kill both cactus and bamboo! lol. I'm not sure how, but I did it
She's got this plant thats been alive for ages and I'm determined to prove I'm capable of completely overdoing it lol. (but also caring for plants).
I'm already getting razzed by my buddies haha, I was supposed to go over to a friends and help him take apart his riding mower but I had to tell him I was too busy repotting flowers. hahaha, but whatever, these things are so cool I want to have a whole mess of them, I even bought a sunflower yesterday.
Originally Posted by johnsaquatics
Be careful when watering phalaenopsis. Water in the mornings and be sure not to get water in the crown of the plant (where the new leaves come out the middle). I would say toss the latter two and buy new ones to replace them. It will take far too long for them to recover. Repot the one that still has good leaves. Cut off all dead roots (if they're squishy and not firm they're dead) and pot the plant in as small as a pot as you can fit the roots in (maybe a 3 inch or 4 inch pot) and keep in mind that clay pots will allow the roots to dry out quicker than if you put in a plastic pot. Clay is great for those who tend to over water.
clay huh? Interesting. I just bought 2 more and they came in these little tiny clay pots. Or rather, they came in little pots that were *placed* in little clay pots. The only worry is that they keep falling over. I'm thinking double sided tape or something to keep them on the shelf.
Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:)
The one with no leaves is gone.
no leaves + no living roots = one dead plant
There are tons of info on how to grow Phals on the OB. If you do a search on the OB search engine, you'll be able to pull up the numerous postings of how to grow Phals.
I wish you the best.
Btw, have you considered growing other kinds of orchids other than Phals? They might be much easier to grow.
Yeah, I think that one's gone the way of the Dodo. D'OH!
It was the nicest one of the bunch too, I'm totally choked.
I've actually been looking around at some of the pictures on here, and some of these orchids are so friggin cool looking! Is there a perhaps an easier one you can think of off the top of your head that I may have better luck with. I'm batting 1 for 3 so far haha, I'd do well in baseball, but I want to up the stats for growing.
I'm in a basement suite so too much light is a bit of an issue to aquire. But it's sunny a *lot* here and usually pretty dry.
Originally Posted by Izzie
You've gotten good advice here.
I feel bad calling you newb.
Can I call you Bob?
Lol, you can call me Nathan if you like. That's my name. Either that or "clueless about growing plants guy" haha.
Thanks again everyone for the help! I'm really new to all this so I appologize in advance for the I'm sure many dumb questions to follow
And please bare with me while I learn all the lingo. Phalipnosis.. Phealonopsis... Physiopino... phlailinopsis.. ???? I'll just call them Phals