I've had this Phalaenopsis since January. It was in full bloom when I bought it and the flowers lasted for 3 or 4 months. Not really knowing much, once the flowers died, I cut off the spike (?) to the base of the plant and covered the cut with cinnamon.
Everything seemed fine until recently one of the leafs started to get yellow. Tonight I cut off the leaf and put cinnamon on that cut too. Was that stupid?
I've been wanting to repot it because I thought it might be a good idea to see what the roots looked like. Most of the roots are hollow and stringy but at the top next to the leafs there are thick green roots. (see pics)
Also, the last pic shows a weird spot on a leaf. It had this when I bought the plant. What is it?
I have a clay orchid pot and some bark on standby if its salvageable.