I've moved my orchids (mostly catts) from the sunroom to a wire top table every spring for many years. The table is positioned in the shade of a large Oak tree.
The light outside is much stronger than inside even when it looks shady. So be very careful not to burn tender leaves. Start with deeper shade and gradually move them to brighter light.
Raccoons got into to my chids one year and really tore them up!!

I had used fish emulsion and they were looking for the booty!
Also, grasshoppers move in here in mid summer and can really do a lot of damage fast!! They love tender new growth and buds and flowers.
Any bug or insect you see on nearby rose bushes or other yard plants can and will invade your orchids.
Still, the chids enjoy their summer vacation under the trees. Even tho I now have a greenhouse, I still let the vandas, cymbidiums and a few catts go outside.

I really think they'd all love to go out and play!