A couple of comments based on the photos in your gallery (just my

, of course!):
It looks like your plants already had a lot of rotted roots, probably from the pot staying too wet for a long time. The few good ones were on top of the medium and got more air. I think Jerry's right about the plant responding now to previously-occurred damage.
Not as familiar with the aurantiaca and bicolor parents (thanks for the ancestry info, Sue and Jerry!), but Cattleya (Laelia) milleri and Broughtonia sanguinea both need exceptionally good drainage and very high light to do well. I recently got a Bro. sanguinea mounted bare on a stick and was instructed to only water it on very sunny days.
You may see better results remounting with a much smaller sphag pad and only watering when the plant dries off. Bright light, high humidity, and good air movement will also be beneficial. Your plant should sprout a new flush of roots with the next new growth cycle. Good luck and good growing!