Most people have probably started with Phals - and many find them quite easy to grow. My first orchid was some type of Catt alliance inter-generic - while I have had difficulty re-blooming it (has bloomed twice for me in 6 years) - it has refused to die no matter what I did wrong! I did get 2 nice spikes on it this year, and I think it just wanted more of everything - more light, more water, more fert possibly.
Phals, Onc, Paphs, some Dens, don't require as much light to rebloom as many Catts, Vandas, Cyms, so are good choices for windowsill growing. (Also most Vandas and Cyms, and some Catts can be just too big for windowsills)
Orchids for Dummies should be helpful in deciding what orchids you may want to try - and of course OB members are here to try to answer any questions, offer advice and opinions.
I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see what you may decide to get!