thanks for the info!
the Phals that i have are'nt as special to me as the other varieties. Maybe i'll give it a go and see what happens...
one problem I think i'm having with my Phals is watering. they always seem under watered and some of the leafs look "dry" i guess. two of the three Phals have roots shooting everywhere and i know it's time to re-pot them. has anyone ever tried an orchid bark mix in one of the wooden open orchid type pots? i was thinking of topping the orchid bark with Sphag moss or something to keep some of the moisture available to the chids.. and with the open air wood baskets air supply doesn't seem like much of a problem and would tend to keep it from getting stagnant and rotting? correct me if my thought processes are off.

p.s. this forum is already helping