Too Much Time Tending Orchids?
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:21 PM
Lorraine Lorraine is offline
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Originally Posted by fotofashion View Post
Hey, Lorraine would you be willing to share with me just which database you use. DH found one to use with Office but I really don't like it.
Beverly A.
Hi Beverly,

I don't use a data base. I created a spread sheet basicly listing the different types in alphabetical order more or less. like angraecums, aerides, ascda, bulbos, brassavolas and catt family, dens, MCp's, Psycopsis, phals, shombos, vandas and whoever else fits in between. columns for type, color, who purchased from date, description of shich show/trade ets and size. The newest ones go to the top of the list. Just adding more rows.

Then below I have my "Wish List', Driftwood and who is on them, died/tossed etc. It seems easy for me this way since they are all in a row. I can copy & paste onto a document to take with me of the wish list and move purchased ones to where they fit in.

Bloom Record is simple document with month/year who is spiking then blooming. I make a note from time to time and update that sheet. It started out with about 25 chids and has grown. I'm not likely to change now. I can find what I'm looking for easily.
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:28 PM
Lorraine Lorraine is offline
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Originally Posted by jrodpad View Post
If my quick math is right, we're now up to an average of 8.6 hours per week based on 11 confessions. Now we seem to be trending in the right direction.

Interestingly, Swamper seems to have lost the title -Carl has bested him with a 20 hour per week high!

Lorraine and Beverly, care to take a guess at an average week's work? I'd love to add you two to the running tally.

- J
Since I don't have a outside the home job I could really blow you guys out of the water. So lets just say that I probably go 21+++ Besides I don't want my better half to know how much fun this really is. He has to go to work to pay for my orchidaholic sessions.
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:40 PM
fotofashion fotofashion is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Female
Default Too much time tending orchids?

OK, OK if you insist I probably don't spend more than an hour or so a day right now. Most everything is outside on the plant table or hanging from a line so checking, watering and fertilizing is not too complicated.
I assume you are not counting the time spent on OB or surfing to find that elusive plant I just have to have.
Lorraine, thanks. I'll have to try the spreadsheet idea. I probably can customize it to suit my needs better than the database I have now.
Beverly A.
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Old 07-13-2010, 09:17 PM
Aceetobe Aceetobe is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Male

My wife claims 15, I claim 5. I guess 10 is probably the right answer. I have about 400 plants or so.
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Old 07-13-2010, 09:43 PM
gardenguysorchids gardenguysorchids is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Male

I have 140 orchids and spend much more time than I really need to with them. I find being with them clears my mind and brings me joy. I find it better than meditation. I am sure i spend a good 12 plus hours a week caring for them and I don't even want to think about the time spent researching and being on the various orchid boards. Oh and then thee are several hours a month spent with my orchid society. Would I change any of it? NO WAY! LOL
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Old 07-13-2010, 10:54 PM
snow snow is offline
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Default how many orchids

it all depends the amount of orchids one posesses
for me on average, about an hour a day.
does thinking about them and dreaming about them constantly, count?
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Old 07-14-2010, 05:57 AM
Triffid Triffid is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Female

Interesting question...
Even before the Orchids I was checking my house plants every morning (when home), so that really hasn't changed. So say about 10-30 minutes each morning (depending)

Watering/Soaking etc. (as required) usually done in between other house hold tasks (multi-tasker here). Small collection so maybe a 2-3 hours total on that per week? (Just on Orchids)

Lets say between 3 and 10 hours (Just on Orchid Care), but that is dependant on what's happening with the plants, like re-potting.

These estimates do not include, research and window shopping.... Or just staring at the plants I have with a big grin on my face

I guess for me Plants have never felt like a chore, so I don't pay much attention to how much time is spent on them.
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Old 07-14-2010, 06:38 AM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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Many, many hours. In man hours (there are two of us doing this) about 80 hr./week on routine watering, fertilizing, re-potting, and disease/pest control. If you add to that time spent preparing for shows/judgings, researching things like awards to decide what to take to exhibitions, and preparing therefor it adds about 5 hr/week plus travel time that I will not count here.

Then there is reading to improve knowledge, student judging assignments, GH maintenance,hybridizing, flasking, and compotting, etc that I could not even guess at because it varies a lot, but it's significant. Orchid club activity like planning meeting entertainment, getting speakers, encouraging members, answering questions, etc...a lot of much? Too much!!

80-90 man hours per week for about 2000 plants. This is strictly a hobby operation, no plant sales of any kind ever/never. I need a vacation. I'm sorry I even thought about this...where is my medicine?
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Old 07-14-2010, 12:15 PM
jeffg jeffg is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Male

I am really glad you posted this question, as I had considered doing the same - mainly to get an idea of others time for care routines. At times I have felt burdened by the time caring for them (opportunity cost), but when I'm around others who dedicate as much time, it all becomes ok again. Of course, seeing an emerging spike or new growth immediately vanishes any resistance I might have about being enlisted in their worldwide use-the-humans propagation strategy

I have about 250 plants indoors in 2 rooms, and, of course, want more. Given the task of watering at sinks rather than hitting with a hose, I would guess watering takes 5 hours per week. Add 1 hour admiring time, 1 hour interrogating the less vigorous growers, 3 hours on OB, orchidwiz, and research, and maybe another 1 hour for discussions with other growers about growing. Total: around 11 hrs/week.

I remain enlisted.
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Old 07-14-2010, 01:33 PM
jrodpad jrodpad is offline
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Too Much Time Tending Orchids? Male

I'm really glad that so many of you guys weighed in - I hope that many more will.

It's a real treat for me to read about your daily / weekly routines. I don't belong to a local orchid society (yet) and I don't really "know" any other orchid hobbyists (present company excluded, of course). For me, there's value in learning about how each of you care for your orchid collection and how long it takes. Thanks.

Now, with a whopping 20 testimonials, we're averaging to about 13.6 hours per week!

Like Swamper before him, Carl has been knocked from the top spot by MissMolly with a truly impressive 80-90 hours per week! There is the bar ladies and gents, it has been set. Any challengers?

Thanks again for all the input.

- J
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