i dont think you can get moss with long enough, and big enough fibers in your back yard.
I don't think it's an issue of long enough fibers. If the moss is fresh, then it needs to be cured. Is the moss he is talking about even spagmum moss? Ya know, it grows in bogs? Not the moss on sides of trees.
I don't think it's an issue of long enough fibers. If the moss is fresh, then it needs to be cured. Is the moss he is talking about even spagmum moss? Ya know, it grows in bogs? Not the moss on sides of trees.
i didnt know spaghnum moss grew in bogs!! wow, i learned something new today but i did know it didnt grow in your yard.
Oh my gosh thanks guys! I am positive I have never done this before...lol. I just hope she lives since it is my one and only orchid (so far) How should I take care of it?
Cattleya love to be mounted but you fail to consider why your potted plants are growing badly.
You must replace bark at least every two years. Old bark becomes sour and foul. Roots will not grow into it. This is what happened with you plant.
Enjoy the Cat is you mount it but start to reconsider your orchid culture and re-pot with fresh medium regularly. It varies by family. Paphiopedilum like to be re-potted every 9-12 months.