Epi-Web is also known as Eco-Web. Here is a link to Firstrays website, you can purchase it from him:
EcoWeb Hydroponics
As for Epi-web/Eco-web for rupicolous Laelias, I'd say the one it the LECA is thriving much better, but both seem to be doing well. I honestly couldn't say if one is a better choice then the other. I think the Epi-web stuff doesn't dry out quickly enough for me and the root system could be better because of this, but that is probably partly due to my watering habits with the epi-web. I just dunk it in a bucket of water for a few minutes daily.
Winter care isn't much different for me other then temps and since I have T5 lights, it is hard to actually get the temps to cool down during the winter unless I crack a window or close the heater vent.