Usually during the HEAVY rainy season in Miami I will put my plants inside so that they will have a chance to dry out completely. I have a covered terrace so it's convenient to do this.
I fertilize the plants when they become bone dry. I'll do this in the kitchen--which is a little messy but my collection is small enough to do it. I allow them to dry out again and then put them back outside.
There are periods during the rainy season where we have non-stop rain for a couple of weeks--and this is when I do this.
I also do a THIOMYL drench on the plants twice a year--during the rainy season and during winter time. I have yet to have an infestation of any kind on my plants (keeping fingers and toes crossed).
Having said all this, I need to become more vigilant about fertilizing. I've let it lapse a little bit, but guess what? My plants are growing more vigorously NOW than when I did the whole "fertilizing on a religious schedule thing", so I suppose you CAN have too much of a good thing.