Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?!
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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?!
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Old 07-02-2010, 12:32 AM
mossmac mossmac is offline

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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?!
Default Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?!

Hi all,

About eight or nine months ago, I purchased a Phal bellina and a Phal violacea (off the internet).

Both plants were expensive, and a lot smaller than I had hoped or expected. The leaf span of both plants is no more than 10cm. Both plants have only three leaves.

Since having bought the plants, they haven't grown any new leaves at all, and their current leaves are 'ageing' somewhat.

I have checked the roots - both plants have lovely, green, plump roots so that can't be the problem.

I have many, many other Phals in my collection, and all of them are thriving. I even bought a large violacea (as I was getting fed up with the small one's lack of vigour) and it too is thriving.

I am at a loss as to what to do to get my two plants to grow. I think when I got them, they can only literally have been out of a flask for the minimum amount of time.

I would be grateful for any help/ advice. Sorry I can't post any pics, but I don't have access to a camera at the moment.

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Old 07-02-2010, 01:20 AM
Luksgloria Luksgloria is offline
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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?! Male

I'm a beginner in the orchids world BUT I know that Phals are not very picky since they have adequate potting (not big ones), warm temperatures, humidity, fertilization, etc etc
but since u've said their roots are okay (are they healthy and light green? can they breathe?) we can think about other things like lighting. Maybe it's not getting enough lighting to thrive, even though it's weird cause you've said the other Phals are doing well, so I suppose they're in the same place. How about the leaves? did you check for fungus ? Orchids in general are slow growers, so you gotta have patience and keep trying! I had a similar problem with a Vanilla and now I'm repotting it!
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Old 07-02-2010, 01:36 AM
mossmac mossmac is offline

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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?!

Hi Luksgloria,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, the roots are a nice light green colour and healthy looking.

Both plants were in bark but I have since put them into sphagnum moss in the hope that they might do something. I have many deflasked Phal orchid seedlings in sphagnum moss, and they are all growing well. I figured if I treated my bellina and violacea like deflasked orchid seedlings, I might get somewhere. But they were put into sphagnum a few weeks ago and still no further progress!

Both plants are on a windowsill and receive filtered light, like my other Phals. It is winter here at the moment, so I can only hope they will take off in the spring/summer. Not that winter holds back my other Phals. They are all growing new leaves and blooming at the same time!
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Old 07-02-2010, 02:27 AM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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well violacea and bellina are both small phals - so despite the small size may be mature. I too have a violacea that doesn't grow much - I think someone told me they are slow growers - idk I also think part of my problem may be it's just too cool for them here. I keep my house cool during winter - and this summer has been on the cool side so far. I'm not sure if that is part of my problem or not - and certainly don't know if it could be yours, but just wanted to comment I am experiencing the same issue. Mine only seems to grow a few months out of the year, and even then, not much.
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Old 07-02-2010, 04:35 AM
natasha natasha is offline
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yes i think about lighting too... i have many small phals, including a few bellinas. i i put them in the deeper shade of the porch, they seems to do nothing no matter how many days and weeks i stare at them. when i give more light, they send out new leaves and roots and flowers! many species phals i have are small in stature (i don't have a gigantea, yet!) so i think at 4" they might be mature. and slow grower too... just ignore them for now, they might be still shy!
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:45 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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bellina was my first species bought orchid back in April and the first thing I found out was that they like a lot more light than other phals (hence the pale leaves).

I have mine in a south-west window behind a sheer curtain (all my other Phals are in east windows). Mine has started, a leaf, a spike and a root since I got it and seems quite happy in that spot.

The other thing I learnt about bellina is that it needs to dry between waterings.

Finally someone told me that they can be very slow to grow bellow a certain size, but then they suddenly take off once they get over that size. I can't remember what the size was, but may have been arround 12-15cm so maybe yours is still quite young (mine is arround 15cm accross with 5 leaves + the tiny new one).
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:50 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I don't know anything about violacea I'm afraid. Not sure if it's similar to bellina or not.
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Old 07-02-2010, 11:53 AM
OrchidSue OrchidSue is offline
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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?! Female

Both these species like to grow on the warmer side, so if it is cooler, the growth will slow down. I have a violacea that grows well in the spring/summer, but then slows down growth in the winter.

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Old 07-02-2010, 01:36 PM
orchidsamore orchidsamore is offline
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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?! Male

The problem is probably with the Ebay seller and not with you. Plants removed from flasks and young seedlings can not be allowed to dry out.

One or two days without water for these Phals is like 2-3 weeks without water for an adult plant.

They should not be sold in pots to beginners and I would never buy them knowingly for myself. Even with the best of care you are in a difficult spot.

It could be another year or two before you see any growth. Properly handled these plants should double in size the first two months out of flask and flower 6-18 months out of the flask.

It is a lot cheaper to pay more from a knowledgable local grower than buying a low price plant on the Internet that is not a bargain.
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Old 07-02-2010, 03:40 PM
orkie orkie is offline
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Why aren't my Phlas (bellina and violacea) growing?! Female

I have a Phal bellina seedling and a violacea and I agree, they are slowwwwwwww. I've had the bellina for just about a year and it just started a new leaf about 2 weeks ago. My violacea I've had since March and it hasn't done anything yet.

And mine are from a very good grower and weren't just out of flask, so I think part of it is they are also just pretty slow to start. I've had the same issue with my schilleriana too as a seedling. They sit for months doing nothing at all.
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bought, leaves, plants, thriving, violacea, growing, bellina, phlas

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