New hope!
" I am very excited!!! for the first time in one year I have seen root nubs on my Dens I have sort of mounted outside hanging upside down. In fact to be exact this is what I did. T-Rex Crab Island Climbing Background and rolled it up but left the inside big enough to put the dens in. At the time when i did this all roots were just white not any green ones after having the plant indoors. I placed spanish moss on the roots. I hung it upside down for two weeks. I was afraid to water it but i did about two or three times in that time frame. It got alot of sun (direct sun) in the evening and in the morning. And to my surprise I look today and bam new green root nubs , the cutest little things I have ever seen , and one of them had a keikel I think too. I am so happy my hard work and commiment and ...some most of them dying on me.. Finally I get a huge reward..... yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy. But with this being said this means my dens do need direct sunlight, but i dont know what I will do come the winter time because I will have to bring them inside , where they will probably die..The dens are phal type ones."
Now on another subject, I have my phal that was just doing fine, hasnt died but hasnt grown new roots, the roots are still green. only part that is brownish or black is a little tip on some of the roots thats it.
well i go to give its weekly or more then a week soaking with fertilizer and maybe not sure I think i might have left it for too long. So yesterday I put it by the patio door inside so it can reciev more light. When i look at it today it has fuzzy mold on two roots . Not alot but I was so depressed So now that one is outside where it can recieve nore light as well!
I have not mentioned I have a phal that is in isolation because it has those bugs that make the whitish substance and they are white as well. I dont know how i can possibly get rid of them I thought I did when I first saw it but now dont know what to do! there is alot of them!! on that one it has 6 leaves. It was spanish moss as well but the moss is so dry that the roots are dead. two areial roots but not sure if those are dead too!!
Please help me with some of my questions. Also can I use coconut bark from the pet store on the phals instead of sprmoss? Or anything else from the pet store??