A gift and my first Vanda. It is in a pot with spag. I do not know much about Vandas but that does not seem correct? Can anyone tell me if I am crazy? The looks great.
Potted in sphag does sound a bit strange. Does it look like any of the roots are attached to the pot? Also does the pot have a drainage hold in the bottom?
Yes it has holes and seems to drain freely. The roots are not attached to the pot. I set the pot inside the Vanda basket so that I could hang it outside. Not sure what to do with it now.
Years ago I had a vanda that I put in to a shallow plastic pot with a little loose sphag that did pretty good until an unexpected freeze got to it. Make sure it is not tightly packed and on the fluffy side. Only water once the sphag completely dries out and it might be fine. There are other popular options as well but they can be care intensive such as daily watering. It sounds like they took a bare root vanda and stuck it in a pot and put sphag around it.
Brad, It might be best out of the pot. Vanda do appreciate lots of air flow around thei roots. If it has not been in a pot long I fear the roots will rot if they did not grow into the sphag orginally. Vandas do like their roots to dry quickly. I would make sure that the sphag dries out between watering and that it does not stay wet more than a couple of days.