I think there is often a mis-conception that extra leaves might DRAIN a plant. In actual fact they provide energy through photo-synthasis and they can in some cases store nutrients and moisture.
Old fashioned thinking was that many bulb type plants like Hippeastrum need their leaves cut off in mid summer to conserve energy. Current thinking is the oposite... then need the leaves left as long as possible to help them build up energy through photo-synthasis to make the buld strong for next year.
While growing new leaves will take some energy a plant won't do it unless it either a) has the strength, or b) is making a last ditch attempt to put out more of those energy making leaves to help it survive.
That having been said... from the pic I would say that that Phal is WAY over potted. It looks like it could go in a MUCH smaller pot (and would be happier in a smaller pot. Without seeing the roots I can't be certain though as you need to pot based on roots not leaves.
Basil keikis are usually produced when there has been a problem with the main crown, but not always.
Apart from my query on the pot size your plant looks fine so I would not worry