Originally Posted by Cym Ladye
I have been successfully growing orchids for over 45 years and do not have an RO/DI system. I think it all depends on the quality of the water source. I agree that some areas may need it and certainly, if you have a water softener in the home and water through it, you will have a problem. Beginner growers might also steer away from the more "hard to grow" genera at the start.
My best suggestion to Amy would be to check with the members of the Orchid Society and see what they recommend for her area and genera she is growing before diving into an RO system, which can be expensive. Even with a mineral build-up, most problems can be averted with yearly repotting.
I'll agree that not everyone needs a RO/DI system depending on the type of orchid in question.
But she is talking about a genera that is sensitive to high concentrations of dissolved minerals (Pleurothallids in general are sensitive to high concentrations of dissolved minerals).