Phalaenopsis stem question
Hi! I'm new. I've tried to search to find my answer here and on the internet with no luck. (maybe I'm not looking right) I have two things.
First I inherited a flowerless phalaenopsis (I'm pretty sure anyways) It spent 3 months getting carted around in a 5th wheel by my parents. It has two yellow leaves, one is cut, because it had sunburn and was starting to die. It's been growing in a happy humid florescent light world. I checked on it tonight. The green thing I thought was a new root, is apparently a new stem. It grew down into the pot, and has 4 buds forming on it. I moved it to the outside of the pot. Will it grow up, or am I going to have an orchid with a 3 inch stem? How do you tell the difference between a new root, and a stem?
Second question. I have a Wilsonara "Halloween" What the heck am I supposed to be doing with this plant? Some say lots of light, others say filtered light, I can't seem to find any specific growing information. It's almost done flowering. Is it ok if I just cut the stem and stick it outside? I live in Michigan. I have 2 more months of some really sunny warm weather.
Sorry for so many questions. Hope I can finally find some answers.