Mounting pot-bound dends?
I've had some pretty bad luck with the dendrobiums I bought last summer--all the leaves fell off and lots of roots died (I still have no idea why, though it certainly wasn't over watering, and they were all evergreen phal-types). On one of them, the canes rotted so it was lost. On the other two something just short of miraculous occurred--as soon as I removed them from the potting mix (coarse bark) for a few days a new growth and/or roots emerged from the base of the plant. I recently mounted them on cork bark and they are doing great!
I also recently got some more dendrobiums, and considering how poorly the others did in pots, I am certainly eager to mount the new ones! My problem is...the new ones are all root bound in their pots. How do I mount these without destroying the root system?
The new ones are 3 phal types ('Hollywood', Burana 'Green Star' and a noid white), as well as a nobile and anosmum. Any big differences I need to be aware of as far as mounting goes with the last two?
thank you!