I have been noticing gnats hanging out around my chids. They don't seem to be in the bark at all - just kind of hovering and this is at my office. Now all the co-workers don't give me any issues as the chids have their own room now. But will the dagnabbit gnats hurt my phal pals at all? Do I have to get gnasty with the little buggers. I mean if they don't hurt them are they helping? Believe me when I say that I look extremely close at my charges and out roots are fine, leaves are fat and fleshy...no probs. I mean do I need help or do I just need some help?
They are probably fungus gnats. The adult gnats don't hurt, but if they're around long enough to breed, the larvae will cause damage. Fungus gnat larvae will eat anything.
No fungus - no fungus gnats. Let the medium dry more between watering and they should go away. Sticky traps are good at trapping the adults too.
fungus gnats are mostly a nusance at least in my case althogh they can do damage as larva....get a moswquito dunk and dissolve it in you some water and drench them with the water after it has had time to become active a day or so ....the natural bacteria in this will help to kill the gnats off......
Last edited by johnblagg; 06-04-2010 at 05:42 PM..