Do you think that my plants are getting too little light? I've posted some pics of the leaves, so you could see the colour. Any advise would be apreciated.
Gabi Borza
They look fine to me.
The new leaf growing indicates to me that they are getting what they need.
Maybe someone with a bit more experience can chime in though...I'm a 5 year beginner
Thanks to all of you! They are placed 3,5 feet from a southeastern window, and the light is supplied with 2x 40 watt fluorescent bulbs. 2 of them have new leaves, and a third, which is in bloom for a month, decided to make more flowers.
Sometimes color doesn't mean much since some phals have naturally darker or lighter leaves. But if you're getting blooms, sounds like there's enough light! And the lighting you're giving them sounds good too
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....