Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!
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Old 06-02-2010, 06:34 PM
OzAbie OzAbie is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!
Default Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!

Hello there! I just purchased three Phalaenopsis' that were on sale. One of them is great but the other two have really brown soggy roots. I can practically squeeze water out of them. I've had orchids before but always killed them and I am determind for these three to not meet the same fate. I brought them home and rinsed them off, cut off any black roots and just kind of set it in its pot for it to dry a little. Now I'm rushing to find information so I can keep them alive! The leaves and stalk are still ncie and green. One of them the leaves are a little wrinkly.

They came moss type stuff with some packing peanuts at the bottom.

Can anyone give me information? I've searched the site but a lot of it was over my head. I read mentionings of a bag system? But I dont know what this means. What can I do? Thank you so much for your time!

Here's a picture of one of them, the other looks just like it.

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Old 06-02-2010, 07:00 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help! Male

you need to repot asap! the moss looks old and yucky. and it looks like it getting root rot from over watering. i recommend you repot into a bark mix. the roots dont look good so i would cut off the spike and sprinkle cinnamon on the cut. can you take a picture from the top?

phals are epiphytic, which means they grow on trees. so they like to dry out between waterings. and to be soaked thoroughly when watered.

make sure not to get water in the crown of the plant ( where the leaves meet )

let me know if you need more help
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:08 PM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Hello and welcome to the OB.
The plant leaves in your picture look OK, have you cleaned all the moss from the roots?
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:54 PM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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I would just like to make a point here.
And also, welcome
You can try to save this plant (and the other).
Get rid of the bad roots.
Repot it into better media and hope for more roots.
Chances are, given some TLC, you have a reasonable chance for success.

But I don't care if you bought these plants ON SALE!
Why would they mislead you into thinking they were "okay"?
I would take them back and get a refund!
...or at least request and exchange with some other orchid there and insist on looking at the root system before you take it home.

I have gotten to the point where I look at my own plants and think ... bleh! my root systems could look so much better!
Then I go to a place that SELLS orchids and nearly flip to see that their root systems don't even hold a candlestick to mine

Really, why should you pay the price for someone else's neglect.
Unless that is your "thing"...and for some ppl it is and I respect that.
But not for me
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Old 06-02-2010, 11:22 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help! Male

Originally Posted by Eyebabe View Post
I would just like to make a point here.
And also, welcome
You can try to save this plant (and the other).
Get rid of the bad roots.
Repot it into better media and hope for more roots.
Chances are, given some TLC, you have a reasonable chance for success.

But I don't care if you bought these plants ON SALE!
Why would they mislead you into thinking they were "okay"?
I would take them back and get a refund!
...or at least request and exchange with some other orchid there and insist on looking at the root system before you take it home.

I have gotten to the point where I look at my own plants and think ... bleh! my root systems could look so much better!
Then I go to a place that SELLS orchids and nearly flip to see that their root systems don't even hold a candlestick to mine

Really, why should you pay the price for someone else's neglect.
Unless that is your "thing"...and for some ppl it is and I respect that.
But not for me
AGREE!!!!!!! i would only buy a plant on sale if it was only on sale because it had no blooms. i always check the roots before i buy, i think you should try to get a refund if you still have the receipt
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Old 06-03-2010, 03:29 PM
OzAbie OzAbie is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!

I took the two back and exchanged them for two different plants who's roots actually still had some green on them. I also bought the bark soril for orchids. I know I need to repot them but is there any special way I should do this? Do I need to cut the soggy roots? If so, how much?
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Old 06-03-2010, 03:43 PM
OzAbie OzAbie is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!

What does putting cinnamon on the cuts do?
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Old 06-03-2010, 05:23 PM
Orchid126 Orchid126 is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help!

Cut off all soggy roots. Cinnamon will prevent disease. Soak the bark in water for an hour or more before you use it. Put them back into the same pot or a pot that will just accommodate the roots. A pot that's too large will hold too much water that the roots can't absorb. Use a pencil or skewer to tuck the bark firmly down around the roots. Keep the plant at the same depth. Too deep means trouble. You can do it!
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Old 06-03-2010, 06:05 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help! Male

i ussually soak my media over night before i pot,
i agre with everything about

good luck
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Old 06-03-2010, 06:34 PM
butterfly79 butterfly79 is offline

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Soggy Brown Roots-Just Bought a Phalaenopsis, Help! Female

If you go to there is a video you can watch which shows you how to repot orchids. It's a really good video.

You can get a slew of info on

these websites have helped me a lot.

One thing I have learned, don't over water.
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