how cool is this thread

my friend always has the tedious task of having to be with me whenever we go orchid hunting and always stares at me cuz i compare EVERY single plant on my own point system.
This is how it goes down:
Firstly, i already have a list of EVERY plant i'll ever want and buy made. I chose the genera i like and choose what i want from each like color, shape of flowers, and growth habit. for example, right now, my phal collection is complete except for ONE which is a dtps. taida salu or something similar. the other genera are still missing quite a few slots to mark off the checklist and until then the search is off. i know it sounds silly but im pretty sure when the list is completely crossed off, im no longer going to collect them and just start a new hobby. i WONT buy duplicates. only one of each
second, i choose plants by the way theyre growing. plants that are crooked or aesthetically unpleasing are no-nos. what i look for is a plant that will look nice in the house while in bloom and match with the decor. i like spikes when theyre centered and straight not flopping over and only one side of a plant. it has to have some symmetry and the size: bigger is better. i dont buy super unnatural colours like BRIGHT magenta phals or pastels. pinks are almost never welcome less i REALLY want one or i have another blooming plant with yellow and red. it has to have a huge WOW impact so when i see it i dont second guess myself for buying it. i always switch the containers too. if i can find a pot that will look good in the house then its gonna come with. the house ALWAYS needs something in display for the living room so i always pick up something big, and symmetrical no matter what genera and in either crimson, red, yellow, or white to add a splash of colour to the the otherwise muted colors of the decor.
after finding several plants that i like or i can cross off from the list, the last checks are price and nametags. if i have to chose between two plants, the one with the tag will get priority. not that it matters but idk, i just get a false sense of value with a name. the price has to reflect the size of the plant. im not going to fork over 14.99 for a mini phal on ebay excluding shipping when i can go to trader joes and get a HUGE oncidium in full bloom for only 10 bucks. i cant afford to always splurge. and finally, i take my mom into consideration. my mom doesnt really like purple and she likes whenever i bring a plant home that she can use to decorate. i always call it a "gift" for her so i can just sneak them into the collection.
and to think that all those thought processes go on in about 5 minutes while im scanning the orchid bench. my collection has many noids and many random crosses that wholesale nurseries make so the names are like "Phal. monkey butt x pencil sharpener 867799-c #12", some common hybrids and a few species and they all came after passing my test. ive never analyzed my critique til just now and even IM tired from rambling. thanks for bringing it up