Originally Posted by jeffg
The way I see it, my collection has evolved based on several facets. First, what can I successfully grow in the conditions I have. I have learned this, of course, at the price of dead plants. Certainly, killing a $10 noid vs. a regal $150 AOS awarded plant feels a smidgen better.
Third, I've learned from reading that the Noid Phals, in particular, are parentage "designed", then mass produced based on the beauty of the flower. Certainly I have some beauties that I simply couldn't resist from this category, but, well, I now feel that anyone could own this plant, so the specialness evaporated. ...... I guess this is the part of the "mass production", i.e.NOID-land, I don't like.
I totally get these... for one, I'm not as proficient as others may be, and would feel horrible if I killed a $150 plant as opposed to a $10. I recently had a crown rot on a walmart special, and felt no remorse about having to send it to the garbage... BUT, if it was something that I had paid a fortune for, that could be VERY UN-THERAPEUTIC for me...

and in the end, I would feel very very bad.
The other point you mentioned about having something that everyone else and their fleas have, that would seem a little "less special". And I think that is one of the reasons why I asked the whole question to begin with. There is something about having something that is "rare", and in my area the noid's phals can be easily found at four stores, but the other varieties and/or named and AOS recognized plants or clones/mericlones are no-where to be found, which therefore makes them seem "more special" and like gourmet, or something that would be fun to treat yourself to now and again.
So, that brings me back to I guess deciding how and what to collect, knowing that I want to collect more, because even though I have 20, I have a 2500 sq. ft. house with lots of space to "fill" and a very supportive husband who loves to see me happy. Not to mention that the other houseplants appear to benefit from the addition of orchids, because they get more regular attention as well.