repotting zygo
Hi everyone,
I picked up a zygo titanic seedling about a year or two ago. When it came to repotting I didn't remove the old bark and sphag as it looked go so I just potted it into a larger pot and kept going. It grew a ton of roots and a few new bulbs.
I went to repot it recently and I just couldn't get the bark off of the roots so I ended up doing the same thing again... Again, the bark and sphag looked good (even the original stuff). I think that I've been underwatering the poor thing (I've since started using a wooden scewer to determine when I need to water which should help).
Should I un-pot it again and take off the old media? I'm nervous that I'll really hurt the roots as they're stuck so strongly to the bark that I can't get much of it off without losing most of the roots. I'm not sure what to do.
Thanks for the help!