There is no way of knowing whether it is a division or a mericlone without asking the original owner. Either way, if it gets an AOS quality award, then all pieces of it also receive the award.
There is lots of confusion about clonal epithets or cultivar names and I'm not sure that what I am about to say is a simple explanation but here goes...
I buy a species seedling of Aerangis brachycarpa; I give it a nickname - clonal or cultivar name 'Joanna' which is illusive (and changeable) until it earns an AOS award (when the clonal name / cultivar name becomes permanent). Aerangis brachycarpa 'Joanna' AM/AOS grows into a huge specimen that I divide into four plants. Three divisions that I give away and the one that I keep are still legitimately named Aerangis brachycarpa 'Joanna' AM/AOS.
In another scenario, a friend makes a mash of plant tissue from my plant in his lab and successfully creates hundreds of exact duplicates / clones of my Aerangis brachycarpa 'Joanna' AM/AOS that we sell or trade to orchid lovers everywhere. Each new owner now has his own Aerangis brachycarpa 'Joanna' AM/AOS. If he takes his 'Joanna' for AOS judging, it can possibly earn a higher flower quality award or the grower can receive a cultural award but the clonal name 'Joanna' remains.
Most commercial growers will indicate on the plant label whether it is a mericlone (reproduced from tissue culture or mericloning) or a seedling.
According to info I could find, your Pot. Red Crab 'Uncle Wang' has an AM/OSROC - not an AOS award and it's more likely than not a mericlone (one mericlone of possibly thousands!. You can take your 'Uncle Wang' to AOS judging and if warranted it can earn an AOS award. The official name would then be Pot. Red Crab 'Uncle Wang' ___/AOS.
Hope this helps somewhat...
'Uncle Wang' is the cultivar, whether it is a clone, division, or original plant.
If it had an award anywhere, it should have been documented last on the tag. (It has not.)
If any plant of 'Uncle Wang' gets a conformation award - not a cultural award - then all plants of that cultivar should have the award designation appended to the existing tag.
To all of you! A great big THANK YOU! This is exactly what I wanted to know. You guys are great!
Now I can sleep at night.... I am beyond happy that I joined this forum!
Last edited by Helen; 04-26-2007 at 07:31 PM..
Reason: Needed to respond to everyone