Wondering if I have this orchid naming business correct.
For instance. I have a Potinara Red Crab 'Uncle Wang'. The Potinara is the Genus, the Red Crab is the hybrid name and the 'uncle wang' is the clone name of a specific special clone of Red Crab. (correct?)
Question #1: I am assuming my 'uncle wang' was either a division or mericlone or whatever so that it is identical to the original Red Crab.
Question #2: if this orchid received an award, is the award for the Red Crab? or Red Crab 'uncle wang'? (I'm assuming it was for Red Crab and not 'uncle wang') This is where confusion comes in.
Question #3: if it won an award, should my 'uncle wang' have the award abbrev. on the tag also? Seeing it was probably a division/mericlone?
I hope someone can help clarify this for me. Thanks!