Originally Posted by Autumn Child
John, why is it important to know if it is bifoliate or unifoliate? I am also currently trying to repot my catts (Rlc. Triumphal Coronation and c.walkeriana coerulea 'manhatan blue') that are both unifoliate. Would the species of catt matters? Please advice.
Bifoliate cattleyas should be in active root growth according to what I have read because repoting this type when they are not can result in them going into what is called a "sulk" which can result in months of lost growth or even a long slow decline and death.
Unifoiliate on the other hand are not as sensitive to being disturbed as are the Bifoliates....
Its always best if possible to wait for active root growth on either but much more important with the bifoliates types especialy speicies.