Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers
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Old 05-19-2010, 12:45 AM
orchidnoob orchidnoob is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers
Default Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers

Hi all,

I got my first orchid back in late March at the International Orchid Show in Longwood Gardens, PA. I've been watering it regularly every week +/- a day. It was blooming and doing really well in the beginning but lately the flowers have been falling off and one of the stems turned yellow. It currently sits on a table near a south/east facing window. I'm thinking/hoping it was the change in weather that the orchid didn't response well to rather than it being human error. It would be great if i could get some advice on how to heal my poor orchid back to life. Please let me know if the orchid is fixable. Pictures attached.

Thanks so much for your advice!
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers-img_1837-jpg   Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers-img_1840-jpg  
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Old 05-19-2010, 01:45 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Hello and welcome to the OB!
I don't believe there is anything wrong with your plant. If the plant was blooming when you purchased it in late March, the flowers are probably dying naturally. Give it good care and it will bloom for you again next year.
Phals don't have to be watered exactly every week, the roots will tell you when to water. Green hold off, silvery white, water.
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Old 05-19-2010, 01:48 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Ooops, forgot to include: you can cut the spike (stem) off. I usually cut them back to about an inch from the base of the plant.
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Old 05-19-2010, 05:10 AM
trdyl trdyl is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers Male

Welcome to OB!

It does not sound like anthing is wrong. Here is a link to a culture sheet. If you have any questions please ask.

AOS | Phalaenopsis
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Old 05-19-2010, 05:38 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I agree that is it likely just the usual fading of the flowers.

It looks from the first pic like the plant is in moss. You need to be careful with overwatering orchids in moss. Many people like it, but others find it stays wet too long.

To ensure you plant is happy I would suggest checking the roots are OK.
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Old 05-19-2010, 06:09 PM
jrodpad jrodpad is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers Male

When cutting off the yellow/brown spike I like to use a brand new disposable razor blade - it's sharp and clean and leaves a very precise cut.

I also dab a bit of ground cinnamon on what's left of the spike. It's supposed to be an anti-fungal. I'm sure there are products that you can buy that are supposed to cover cuts, but cinnamon has always worked well for me.

Good luck,

- J
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Old 05-20-2010, 06:49 PM
orchidnoob orchidnoob is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers

Thanks everyone for the great advice!

Good to hear that there's actually nothing wrong with my orchid. So would now be a good time to add fertilizer? Do i even need it? If so which brand would you recommend?
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Old 05-20-2010, 07:32 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Phalaenopsis Orchid with Yellowing Stem and wrinkled flowers Male

Originally Posted by orchidnoob View Post
Thanks everyone for the great advice!

Good to hear that there's actually nothing wrong with my orchid. So would now be a good time to add fertilizer? Do i even need it? If so which brand would you recommend?
Hi and welcome--

You know it is often not a science to growing these plants but an art and one that you can quickly pick up if you keep a few things in mind. As mentioned above, watering isn't a set schedule and the color of the roots will often tell you what you need to know-- but even that is not always the case. I live in Colorado where it is quite dry most of the year and if I used the root color to decide when I'd water my plants would be drowned as the roots exposed to the open air dry quickly. That is not to say this method isn't good and shouldn't be used as it depends on where you live and your conditions.

Once the spike is done, the plant will begin focusing on new roots and leaves. So, a balanced fertilizer will work fine but remember these plants are not heavy feeders-- so use sparingly. Some use the term "weak weekly"-- meaning its a low dose of fertilizer every week (or whenever you need to water) will likely make your plant happy.

Read, read, read everything on this board and you'll find most of the answers to your questions. The people are here are very friendly and are always helpful to answer your questions or concerns. Welcome and enjoy your phal! (They're my favorite!).
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falling flowers, orchid, orchid care, phalaenopsis, yellowing stem, wrinkled, flowers, stem, yellowing

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