I have three cattleyas that are showing deformed new growth, right at the time when a leaf is beginning to grow from the pb. However the orchids are just fine. Here's some culture info: I grow indoors, water every weekend, fertilize "weekly, weakly" with a flush once a month. The humidity has ranged from 35-50 F this winter. I use 4 T5 lights (6500K each).
as for frequency of watering - it's relative to your climate and potting media, even pot type. Right now I have some catts in clay pots (6"), chc mix, and they are staying moist a long time. Watering only every-other week. Conversely a smaller eplc, clay pot (3"), bark mix, is dry every few days. Skewers in the pots helps determine when to water.
Thanks for your responses. I'm a bit frustrated since I haven't had this problem before. I've been pretty consistent with watering using the skewer method since I started growing (it's been three years now), so I thought I had figured it out. With regard to the temperature, my orchid corner has on occasion been close to 90 degrees F in warmer weather. I use a fan to counteract this.
Overall, the roots appear to be okay, no rotting. One of the cattleyas lost it's roots a while back and struggles to regain them. That's why it is dehydrated. How can I help it along?
My schedule is pretty hectic so I don't know if I could water them twice a week every week. Would misting a couple times during the week be just as good as an additional watering?
By the way I accidentally typed the symbol for Fahrenheit. I am aware that humidity is a percentage. Thanks for the correction.
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