The other great thing about joing the Orchid Society is that I can now find all the goodies all of you always talk about....Neem Oil, MSU fertilizer, large perlite (I bought the small stuff not knowing any better) and next time I'm going to buy the Strive stuff for the roots,etc.
Thanks for all your nice replies!
Society meetings are a fantastic way of learning, hearing from the expert speakers AND talking to your fellow orchid growers Get involved in the club's activities...if your club does a show, participate in it. The most wonderful part of doing our show is being a clerk to the judging teams. You'll learn from the judges through breathing the same air! The knowledge is just floating around!
Absolutely! I can't wait to get more involved. I'm like a big sponge right now. Presently all I can think about is orchids...maybe the novelty will wear off at some point, but then again, maybe it won't!