On Saturday I went to Duckitt Nurseries open day in Darling, South Africa (our biggest orchid nursery) and came home with 4 new "children"! I had set myself a goal of not more than 3 orchids, so 4 is ok... I can live with that
When I walked into that huge nursery with orchids laid out over the whole warehouse I... I... I just about floated away onto Cloud 9! The lady at the till immediately spotted my happiness and said "I feel the same way every morning!"
So here are my new babies!
Ansellia africana: smells lovely!
Dendrobium x delicatum: no flower spikes yet
Zygopetalum (Kiwi Choice "Smiley" x Arthur Elle): no flowers yet but I can't wait for this one's gorgeous bloom to come!
Laeliocattleya Cape Small Wonder: this makes it 3 Catts!