hello all-
i have a question for everyone along these lines.
how does the cycle work for plants losing leaves, growing roots etc? or is it totally random?
i have a phal that i've been desperately waiting for it to grow new roots after some rather large drama.
it was bought by my WBH (way better half) as a gift for vday (valentine's, not victory). turns out it was infected with thrip, which in turn infected ALL my other plants, except my jade.
i tossed everything that was infected as it was impossible to clear all the plants from those mean beasties. i tried and it broke my heart to throw them out!
i stripped down the orchid into bare roots and used a bug spray, which was a success.
a lot of roots died and the leaves never came back.
i gathered up the muster to cut the wilty leaves (after some careful studying on this site!), and have been pleasently surprised with some (read: more than one) new roots.
it has also developed a new leaf.
is there a correlation between cutting the leaves and the new growth, or is this a pure coincidence? the timeline has been over 6 months of stunted growth.
i have been diligent with spritzing every day, and giving it sunlight one small part of the day.
any hints? any correlation?