As others have mentioned - what's easy for one person may not be for someone else. I am still struggling to grow Phals lol. Some Dens (Latouria section) seem quite easy for me, but others less so. Cymbidiums are pretty easy for me to grow, but the climate where I live is a good one for them.
My first orchid was a No ID Catt type, and I still have it despite all the mistakes I surely made. But it has been a bit challenging to rebloom. But some Catts require more light than others, and some may be less difficult to bloom.
My earliest successes in blooming orchids were with Oncidiums. For a few years the only orchid that bloomed regularly and profusely as well was a No ID Oncidium.
So - while I think Phals may be a good place to start, don't be discouraged if you have difficulty with them and think you can't grow something else. Phals, Dens (Phal type, Latouria), Catts, and Onc are good ones to start with IMO.
Joining and participating in OB is getting off to a good start! My orchid growing has improved greatly since I joined! Lots of good information and advice to be had!