Hi All!!!
I got up the courage to ask form help from an orchid forum (orchid geeks) and typed a HUGE explaination and plea for help, only to realize the site had been hacked when I went to submit it... AHH! So I will try and put as much info in this one that I remember... keeping it shorter.
I've had this Phal. for about a year, first orchid ever!

However, I knew nothing about them, other than they were pretty, when my husband got it for me.
A month after receiving it the flowers wilted and I cut the spike back past the last flower. The spike turned hollow and brown so I cut it back further (about 1 1/2''). After that I read to check the roots... they weren't doing so hot... seems the store put the Phal in the wrong pot (no air holes). So I trimmed all the dead roots off and it left me with ONE!
After a bunch of no-no's (like putting the orchid in SOIL

) I think I may be on my way down the road to orchid heaven. I finally bought a pot specially designed for orchids... bought new orchid bark (and soaked it!)... purchased orchid food... put cinnamon on cut pieces... I just don't know if it's all in vain.
Someone please help! I love my orchid and I really don't want to lose it. It just needs to grow more roots and leaves!!!
Here is a link to some photos of my Phal.
Pictures by aly8605 - Photobucket
Thank you in advance for your help!