Hi Bob - I'm also trying to use a dilute amount of coconut water (25%) mixed with rainwater to rehab a "hopeless" phal that started with only one aerial root. When I began, the plant had the spindly inner parts of the root system, but all the velamen on the outer "terrestrial" roots had rotted away (the plant was given to me by a friend, and was originally potted in 100% sphagnum moss that stayed too wet - it was in full bloom so I didn't want to repot!).
In any event, I dipped the lower part of the plant in Rootone (which may or may not work - I was under the impression this wasn't for orchids). I've since gotten the plant to spring the beginnings of an aerial root, and have placed the plant under a glass bell to regulate high humidity.
The plant is in bad shape, but it's trying. I've sort of resigned myself to its death, so I'm using this opportunity to test out the coconut water legend. I'll post my results as I see them (or as the plant dies

I purchased 2 coconuts from the grocery and will drill the water out today and begin its feeding!
Sweet Addy